Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Love collision

I'm standing outside a plain wood cabin with a pretty-eyed man, and his father. I'm on a date with him even though he's my friend Annie's boyfriend. That discomfits me, but the feeling abates as I grow to like him more every minute. He's got our date planned out, but first we both want to find a restroom. He says he knows of one, and that he's going to blindfold me and lead me there. When the blindfold comes off, I'm in a filthy bathroom next to him. When I'm washing my hands, a woman beside me is complaining madly about the facility's state.

In the car with my date, I stare openly at his wildly attractive salt and pepper hair while we're parked in a lot. He gets out of the car to get something, and I start primping frantically, because I'm insecure about how much more attractive he is than I. For some reason, from the passenger seat I take off the parking brake, knowing the car will roll. It starts moving toward a brand new luxury car, a Bentley perhaps, and I try to reach the brake pedal to stop the car. I can't reach it, so the cars collide.

I hop into the driver's seat to make my getaway, pursued by the Bentley's owner. Pulling out into a dangerous roadway, I almost cause about nine more accidents. Dusk falls immediately, and I put on ultra-bright headlights and drive faster. Soon I'm trailing inches from an extremely tall and professional-looking cyclist. I know I'm dangerously close, but I don't slow down. I hit him too. There's a terrible crunching noise, but he remains upright and just looks cross. Instantly, sirens are wailing behind me and and I start to pull over. I can't control the car, and I'm hitting rocks and trees and swerving. As I come to rest in a safer place I have the feeling that I've just given up everything; it's all over.

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